Happy Happy Easter if you're celebrating. Happy Sunday if you're not

The latest news from Timeshare Advice Centre and European Consumer Claims.

Whether you are Christian or not, or even religious at all, Easter can be a whole lot of family fun.


In modern, multicultural Britain many of us happily jump on board with our neighbours' celebrations and religious holidays. Whether this means gifts and feasting at Diwali, Iftars during Ramadan, yet more gifts and partying at Christmas or even the esoteric, pagan celebrations surrounding Stonehenge at the solstices and equinoxes, we Brits love a reason to get involved and feel good at all times of year.

There is no intent here to detract from the pious among us, for whom these are times of deep reflection about events in our respective religious calendars. These beliefs clearly deserve respect and doubtless bring great spiritual benefits to the holder.


Resurrection Sunday. Considered the most important day in the Christian calendar

For the rest of us, these special times are often just great reasons to dress up, to visit with friends and family, to observe traditions and to simply have fun. And that's fine too.


For Christians, Easter Sunday represents the day Christ rose from the dead three days after absolving the sins of the world through his crucifixion at Calvary.

But for a child on Easter morning, too young to grasp such lofty concepts, the day is about hunting for chocolate eggs hidden by the Easter Bunny.

Perhaps this is a subtle way to start little ones associating the day with positive feelings. Either way, everyone is happy.


Morris Dancers
Morris Dancers adding their blend of colour and music to the Easter weekend

Other popular Easter traditions include hot cross buns on Good Friday, Morris dancing, egg painting, egg rolling, Roast lamb dinners, maypole dancing and Easter movies. All great fun, and open to all: Christians and non-Christians alike.

Happy Easter from us all at TAC

Whatever this Easter means to you, our 200 strong staff at Timeshare Advice Centre wish you a joyful long weekend.

Have fun, enjoy time with your family and friends, and eat plenty of chocolate.

And if you want to take advantage of that extra day off to address a problematic timeshare ownership, we are here to help.

Happy Happy Easter if you
Happy Happy Easter if you're celebrating. Happy Sunday if you're not

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