Timeshare Claims biggest week ever recorded - Seventy Six positive awards valued at £2,837,587.

The latest victory from Timeshare Advice Centre and European Consumer Claims.

We are delighted to inform you of the biggest week ever of Spanish court victories achieved. Timeshare specialist firm of lawyers M1 Legal secured an incredible SEVENTY SIX positive awards with a total value of £2,837,587.

Here is a breakdown of our substantive results:

1st Court of Instance:

  • Silverpoint - In Arona, court No. 3, a Court Agreement was reached with Silverpoint Vacations SL. and the judge has signed it.  Amount Awarded - £100,139.
  • CLC Sucursal x 3 - In all three cases, the judge declared the contract null under the law 04/2012 for lack of information regarding the accommodation. Amounts Awarded - £23,019, £26,354, £11,030.
  • Marriott - In Marbella court No. 5, The nullity was confirmed due to lack of information regarding the accommodation. Amount Awarded - £10,150.
  • CLC Continental - In Arona, court No. 3, the judgement declared the contract null under the law 04/2012 for lack of information regarding the accommodation. Amount Awarded - £17,313.


  • CLC Sucursal x 2 - In the Court of Appeal No.4 Malaga, in both these cases, the judgement has been confirmed from the first instance that declared the contract null due to lack of information (accommodation and contract duration).  Amounts Awarded - £14,636, £10,114.
  • CLC Continental - The Malaga Court of Appeal recognises that it is appropriate to return the total amount of the loan as damages against the seller (CLC Continental) without suing the English bank. Amount Awarded - £22,300.
  • Anfi - In the Court of Appeal No.3 Las Palmas, it was confirmed that the judgement from the first instance still stands whereby the contract was declared null due to lack of information regarding the accommodation and contract duration. Amount Awarded - £11,939.
  • CLC Sucursal - The Court of Appeal has turned down the decision of the first instance which had dismissed our claim. The court has declared the contract null due to lack of information regarding the contract duration. Amount Awarded - £19,598.
  • Regency Vacations - The Court of Appeal has turned down the decision of the first instance which had dismissed our claim. The court has declared the contract null due to lack of information regarding the accommodation. Amount Awarded - £32,500.

Two Class Actions with a total award amount of £2,527,375

  • Silverpoint x 62 - We have received positive results from two out of three class actions presented before the Mercantile court regarding 62 cases against Silverpoint. The grounds of the nullity are lack of information regarding the accommodation and contract duration.  More information on this next week.
    1. Class Action 1 - 38 cases - total awarded £1,797,947.
    2. Class Action 2 - 24 cases - total awarded £729,428.
Timeshare Claims biggest week ever recorded - Seventy Six positive awards valued at £2,837,587.
Timeshare Claims biggest week ever recorded - Seventy Six positive awards valued at £2,837,587.

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